Good Writer’s Only

What makes a good writer? That is the question. I always thought; what Shakespeare was thinking when he was writing his stuff? What gives him the urge to write these stories that changed storytelling? I guess many writers would like to know what he said. 

A good writer writes! A poser only talks about writing, but a writer actually writes. Every day sitting in some place where it’s loud enough that you can’t hear your own thoughts; Or someplace quiet enough all you hear is your thoughts. 

But, a good writer knows his or her values. They know what they believe. Understanding that life has many factors. I want you to write a list of twenty things you value. Keep it in your pocket, and when times get tough, look at that list. Remember why you are doing this. Here, breathing, fighting. Because every other month, when Fox News or CNN comes out and explains what pride month is; People just go outside in some random part of the street, holding a sign that says “Fuck the gays” while across the street you have a sign that says “Love is Love.” I see these people with signs, yet they just don’t know what they value. You have extremists who take the time out of their day to do this instead of being with their families, being with those they love, or mowing the law. Whatever you value. You need to know what you value. You understand “This is who I am.” On your list of values; if the number one thing doesn’t say “yourself." Then you don’t know what you value. Because clearly, you don’t value yourself. And this is about you! What you do every day will create a better purpose for you in this world. Take it from a guy who may not be really successful, but is happy in life. But that took time. (I'll explain that in another story)

A good writer needs to go through some crap. Does it matter what crap you go through? NO! You just need to go through something. Something that makes you feel like the breakup they had in high school. Something that gives you the feeling of almost losing someone you loved. That feeling when you stub your toe by the doorstep. That feeling when you’re riding a roller coaster. The feeling when you have the gun towards your head and you ask yourself, why didn’t I pull the trigger? (Sorry, that got dark) A part of me doesn't want you to go through that, because it's scary. No human should ever go through the thought of having their own hand to hurt themselves. You don't deserve that. I'm sorry that life hasn't been fair to you. We typically can't explain why people behave certain ways, or make the decisions they do. All we can do is live with it. The point is, whatever it may be that you went through, I hope you have that feeling that makes you want to say something. No one will ever know about it, unless you speak about it.


A good writer needs to expand their horizons. Go abroad, get the hell out of your chair. Maybe try playing basketball backwards. Try a new food even if it goes against your beliefs. Go get drunk and try to write an academic paper (yeah, I've done that before). The point is; to do something different. Do something that society would say “Why the hell would they do that?” Because when you do that unusual thing. When you think that thought; It creates a place, that people label as “weird, different, or stupid” But, it’s not that. Don't get me wrong; there are some shitty writers and people out there. Yet, it’s not about them. It’s getting that thought out of your mind and you slapping it on a piece of paper. It’s the idea that's in your head and on something to display. Maybe someone would walk by and say “I thought about that once, or why didn’t I see it that way?” We don't need to live by society's standards.

A good writer; is someone who puts themselves in a position that is uncomfortable. When I tell you to write a poem; don’t give me the typical sad fucking poem. Go do something that you aren’t aware of. Talk about a protist, no one knows what a fucking protist is. Unless you got a degree in biology, or do a lot of research on organisms. Nobody knows what it is. And don’t go googling what it is either. We need to stop googling stuff we don't know. Write what you think. Tell me about how a red car was blue. Describe that to me. Be abstract as possible. Not everything in life needs to be structured. Well, debatable. Yet, this is writing. You can either close this window or keep reading. Remember this is your choice.

A good writer finds passion in something else. Not in writing. People think all the time, I can just go and be a writer. Everything will be ok. But, if you don’t know what you’re going to write about then what’s the point? Go take a psychology class, take a debate class, or take a class from the professor you don’t want to take it from. Just go and find an outlet to try and move your perspectives. Stop being so narrow-minded. I don’t care how many good grades you got. Find some empathy, or be real and go try something new. Find something that you find fun, even if others don’t see it as fun. The world has categories that are what “fun” is. But anything can be fun if you make it fun. And if things go wrong, you can always be a plumber. There's a lot of need for plumbers these days. 

Good writers; find conflicts within themselves. They look at their problems. It’s a humbling experience. If I die one day; I want the first 10 minutes of my memorial to be the mistakes I’ve made. Because at a funeral, there are just good things said for the one who died. 

“Joe was a good man, he loved his wife, and his kids, and was a good father figure.” 

“Yes Joe was a good person, but Joe always left the toilet seat up! And it annoyed the hell out of me.” 

Joe was such a slob! 

A good writer knows the conflicts they deal with and knows where they can improve. A writer can sense the feeling that they need to change but they won’t; See, it’s not about what a good writer is, but the person you are portraying. Are you going to be someone so ignorant that you won’t accept feedback and go do your own thing and possibly be successful? Or, are you going to be the person that always stays in line, never going out and being the "rule breaker?" Then you’ll be an average Joe. Dead. Maybe have some good qualities. And that’s it! All of us are going to be dead at some point. But how will you go dying? Knowing you gave it your all? Try to make your thumbprint. Stand out from others in this world. Or, just like Joe, with his toilet seat up, and a wife annoyed by it. 

A good writer has a voice. During their time in this world, no one seems to care. Once they die, you can hear them when they speak, however, we are not heard. Nobody cares what we say. What is the point of a good writer? Sure, you care because you made- - - -

What am I saying... Nobody cares,


I.. don't know… 


A good writer gets angry whenever they can. 

A good writer fucks up

A good writer dies with a pen in their hand

A good writer gives up

A good writer isn't a good writer.

A good writer never stops writing

A good writer forgets what to write

A good.


Forgets how to write.