
you must be reading this because either you found this page interesting, or you just had nothing to do. Well, my name is Andrew. Some people call me Son, but that’s mainly the one who raised me. Yup, it’s singular. So, just one was mainly there. But, that’s ok. I want you to really look closely at my writings.

 “Why?” You might ask? 

The point of writing is to take that idea out of your head and slap it on your paper. It’s supposed to mean something, words are like the paint on the canvas, you can even change the color of it. You can make words standout in different ways. It’s suppose to be an art. Writings are meant to give you a weird feeling. It gives you a different perspective of life. It guides you, it leaves you, it makes you happy, it makes you cry, maybe even angry. It doesn’t tell you the full story, maybe the story is out of order. 

The reason I tell these potential stories is because I want to tell you what’s in my head. But then, maybe you won’t care. Maybe you can gain some growth from this, or maybe it won’t help you grow at all. I guess that’s the risk you’ll just have to take. What's life without taking some risks? Maybe someone will understand how you felt. Maybe life won’t feel so lonely anymore. But, I can’t tell you if it will or not. Unless you try. 

Will you try? For yourself?

I write because I have these thoughts in my head that I don't know what to do with. I love to see people grow. Maybe these thoughts of mine can help you grow.
